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Highlights 2019 - LIGHTSCAPES / November 2019 to May 2020, Melbourne, Australia

LIGHTSCAPES is a public art project that connects to the very fabric of the city—enriching, critiquing and reconsidering notions of audience, site and public space through art. It is comprised of 14 light boxes fixed to building facades across RMIT and Melbourne Central.

Each year INTERSECT showcases a selection of exceptional work from the School of Art's graduating students in the LIGHTSCAPES. Located across all three LIGHTSCAPES sites, Highlights showcases and celebrates the range and depth of practice across the School’s onshore and offshore Masters programs.

I was delighted that I have 4 works selected for showcase in this show.


Paper Rock, 2019 


Grasping My Tradition, 2019


Captured Flow, 2018


Between Black and White, 2018


 Cordelia. All rights reserved.

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