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Grasping My Tradition


Grasping My Tradition (grid version), 2019, Inkjet print, 181 x 106 cm

The shapes of the paper rocks are formed by the touch of my hands, mimicking the flow of natural forces. Through the daily rituals of making these rocks, I am informed as to how their unique shapes can narrate an imaginary landscape to represent energy from the effect of flow accumulated over time. Also an opportunity for me to slow down and deeply reflect on the subject matters of nature, tradition and the philosophy behind them. The paper rocks somehow are a self-mockery of my superficial knowledge of Chinese tradition, which I am only beginning to explore through my art processes.



Grasping My Tradition (landscape arrangement version), 2019, Inkjet print, 30 x 180 cm

The rocks look like a series of mountains in nature. The installation allows viewers to retreat for a visual journey of the artificially created and poetic natural sceneries and contemplate the similarities and differences between each rock, all co-existing in harmony.



 Cordelia. All rights reserved.

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